User:Miss Puffskein
Wikipedia, as a project, has gained my immense respect as a place that not only seeks to store and spread knowledge, but which also lets anyone with a keyboard add to that knowledge.
Therefore, my main goal here to help W'pedia gain its well-deserved respect everywhere, to help it overcome that "oh, the internet is all junk" view. Most of my edits will be grammar, spelling, and typo fixes.
That said, though, I would be interested in contributing to what I see as a sore lack of Art-related articles here in the future. But first, I'd like to learn my way around a little more, since I'm still fairly new.
My deepest policy here is to be as polite and courteous as possible. If I've broken this, and insulted you in some way, please let me know so I can resolve it. I mean you no harm!
Thank you for reading through this long-winded User Page. ;]
- Miss Puffskein